The department is mainly providing outpatient services. Inpatient service is mainly restricted to those patients who have a medical problem necessitating admission in a general hospital set up.
In such situation, the patient will be admitted in single room without balcony and under close observation by one or more bystanders. Outpatient population mainly consists of two categories, those referred from other specialties of this hospital and those who attend the OPD directly. Along with medical management the department provides psychological treatments like techniques relaxation, behaviour therapy for phobic disorders, guidance and counselling for adolescents, marital counselling etc.
The department also provides facilities for IQ assessment and learning disability assessment.
Consultant Psychiatrist
MBBS, MD (Psychiatry)
Monday to Friday - 3.30PM to 7PM Sunday - 10AM to 1.30PM (Saturday - off)
View ProfileConsultant Psychologist
M. Phil, PhD
Monday to Friday - 1.30PM to 4.30PM Sunday - 10AM to 1.30PM
View ProfileClinical Psychologist
Mon - Saturday: 9.30AM to 5.30PM, Sunday Off
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